Theme Declaration (HL2)

(Recommended working time: One Week)

In this assignment students will:

  • Create an Art Journal Addition that reassesses your current theme, the paths it has taken, and makes clear the direction you will follow this year.

Investigation Workbooks (IWB): (3-4 pgs.)

  • Prepare your pages
    1. Turn to the next "normal" page in your sketchbook and number it consecutively in the top, right hand corner and box it with an outline a little more than an inch square.
    2. Divide the page into thirds with vertical and horizontal pencil lines (like the grid in a camera).
    3. You may select a color scheme of at least three colors for your page from the tempera paints in class. It is generally a good idea to tint (add white to) these colors or add water and create a "wash".
    4. Let the page dry or dry it using the blow dryer.
  • Title your page "Theme Declaration Year Two " at the top of the page or along the outside edge.
    1. Make the title of your page obvious.
    2. Make the title of your page visually creative
  • Use any research necessary from prior additions and cite the research as found in your Visual Arts Journal. Your sources must be cited in MLA format when necessary and each page must have at least one published paper based source (citation) highlighted.
    1. Define "theme" as it applies to art and cite your source.
    2. Watch this video on "themes" as published in "Living with Art" by Rita Gilbert.
      1. Discuss one or more of the eight themes in the video and how it relates to " Who am I (as an artist)? ." Which of the eight themes does your artwork seem to embrace the most? Why do you think it was so important to you? Which works of art expressed this theme most clearly or effectively?
      2. Cite specific sources for you discussion including your own IWB pages if necessary.
    3. Discuss your "theme" as you experienced it in your first year. What would you like to research and express through your artwork this year?
      1. Defend why this is an important or fertile theme for you to pursue or research this year.
    4. Explore this theme through at least two additional Art Journal pages.
      1. Begin sketches and ideas with annotations and research for new work.
      2. These may be paintings, drawings, sculptures, photo series, prints, any media.
      3. Personal notes or annotations must be dated.
      4. Pages should include three citations, one of which must be paper based (book, magazine, or newspaper)

Turn in your research:

  1. Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of the pages included in this assignment.
  2. Upload or save your .pdf file in your Google Drive Turn-In folder in the appropriate assignment subfolder if available.
  3. Rename this .pdf as follows:
    • <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
      • Example- JohnDoe_ArtJournal_ThemeDeclaration.PDF
      • NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file

The Learning Goals:

(This is what the addition will be graded on at the end)

  1. Completion- Follow all of the directions and ensure the project is complete with titles, sub headings, all visual and written information.
  2. Density- Pages should be PACKED with information. So much so that a person should not be able to place a quarter on the page without it touching either written or visual information.
  3. Design- Carefully plan out your pages and specifically place items like titles, subheadings, pictures, and written information.

Assessment: Students may show their work for critique and submit their sketchbooks for evaluation.

David Salle
Mr. Lucky
Acrylic and oil on canvas and linen
239 x 340 cm