IB Still Life Drawing

Visual Art Journal Entry

(Recommended working time: 7hrs.)


In this assignment students will:

  • Research the still life genre across a century or more.

  • Make caparisons between contemporary still life and the historic use and understanding of still life.

Follow the steps for completing this assignment in order. Note that the process involves two separate Art Journal entries: Research and reflection. Additional attention should be given to the correct use of digital files and their organization.

1. Investigation Workbooks: (5 or more pages)

  • Research the topic of still life and critically analyze the work of at
    least two artists, a contemporary artist and an artist working more
    than a century ago.

  • Use the in-class text books to research art criticism and then write about the artists' work through the use of a description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment or evaluation.

  • Research and evaluate the use of value and value keys to create and control the mood or feeling of a work.

  • Practice several thumbnail sketches of a still life to emphasize casual and linear perspective.

1a. Turn in your research:

  1. Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of the pages included in this assignment.
  2. Upload or save your .pdf file in your Google Drive Turn-In folder in the appropriate assignment subfolder if available.
  3. Rename this .pdf as follows:
    • <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
    • Example- JohnDoe_StilllifeProject_Research.PDF
    • NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file

3. Studio Work: (Still Life Drawing)

  • Complete the project as shown on the IB Still Life Studio Work page.


  1. Using one or more pages in your Visual Art Journal, discuss the process you went through to complete the artwork for this assignment.
    1. Include pictures of the project in-work, or as it is being created.
    2. Add personal commentary on the process.
      1. Address any challenges faced and accomplishments achieved.
      2. Evaluate the success and failure that may have been experienced along the way or at completion.
    3. Ensure that your photographs and entries are dated according to when taken or written.
  2. Turn in your reflection:

    1. Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of the pages included in this assignment.
    2. Upload or save your .pdf file in your Google Drive Turn-In folder in the appropriate assignment subfolder if available.
    3. Rename this .pdf as follows:
      • <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
      • Example- JohnDoe_StilllifeProject_Reflection.PDF
      • NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file
  3. Fill out a Project Reflection Worksheet for your this once the Studio Work is complete and turn it in to the In-Box at the front of the classroom.

Vanitas Still Life,

Herman Henstenburgh

(Dutch, 1667–1726)