
Follow the links before to the resources available. Note: These resources are offered to assist in your activity but others do exist so, by all means, do not hesitate to do your own research.

IB HL2 Mid Term Exam

Your Mid Term Exam will consist of a brief portfolio Review. This portfolio Review will have in it three parts: First, is a collection of your best 8-11 works of art. This part of your final exam will be evaluated on the quality of your photograph of the finished work. Naturally, the Photography Project and your Graphic Design Project get a pass on this evaluation but the rest will be judged on the quality of the photograph, the file format, and the naming of the files. The second part is a Comparative Study. The comparative study should compare at least three works of art from your research, at least two of which must be from different artists. It is also a good idea to compare works of art from contrasting cultural contexts (local vs. national, national vs. international, International vs. intercultural, etc.). The third part of the final exam is a Process Portfolio. The Process Portfolio should display the development and experimentation in your work from initial research and ideas through the creation, to a refined work of art. It is important in this part to use documentation from your IWB and images of your work on its way to completion for support.


In your Photography Project you were asked to research the use of your camera and compositional decision making. As a part of this course we have been documenting our work and submitting it online, now is your chance to reap the rewards of that practice. Photograph all two and three dimensional work for this year and last, both first and second semester. You can review these projects here.

  1. First, create a folder in your Google Drive Turn-in folder titled, " <YourName>_HL2MIdTerm Portfolio."

  2. Photograph (or re-photograph) all two and three dimensional works of art using the best possible lighting. Use the resources on the left of this page if you are unsure of how to do this.

  3. Select the work that fmost closely addresses your theme you've declared for your study.
  4. Upload these files to your "Final Portfolio" folder in Google Drive. Be sure to include your original images for both the Photography Project and Graphic Design project.

  5. Rename these files as follows where the information in the brackets (< and >) is replaced with actual information:

    • <Title>_<Project Name>_<Your Name>.JPG

    • NOTE: There is and "underscore" between each part of the name and the ".JPG' is the file extension or format that the images must be submitted in. (The new iPhone uses a different format so you will have to research how to change that.


Throughout this year students were asked to research art from different cultures and periods. In fact, this is a part of almost every assignment in IB Studio Art. Now it is time for that research to pay off. Create 10-15 "screens" that examine and compare three different artworks, artifacts, or objects from at least two different artists in two different cultural contexts. This is a version of the "Comparative Study" students will complete at the end of this course and is very much like the Comparative Study you completed in HL1. (NOTE: You may use your Comparative Study from HL1 as a starting point or foundation for this one) Follow the steps below to submit a successful Comparative Study" to your Google Drive Final Exam Folder.

  1. Select three different works of art from your research that have some similarity and have contributed to your work. At least two of these works of art should be by different artists and two should be from different cultural contexts.
  2. Place an image of each artwork/object on a different Google Slide (Use the resources to the left to learn how to do this).
  3. Adjust the size of the image to about half of the slide then place a "textbox" on the other half of the slide.
  4. In the textbox, carefully describe the work of art using the elements and principles of art and design that you studied in the Graphic Design project. You should use academic phrasing such as, "a dark line drops down the left side of the figure," or , "The background is painted a neutral tone of yellow." It is a good idea to help create a clear description while emphasizing the elements or principles you plan to compare between works of art.
  5. Use your research to discuss the function of a work of art and it's purpose in that cultural context. You should also discuss the cultural significance of that work the work of art on each slide.
  6. On three additional slides compare and contrast (discuss similarities and differences) between two works of art at a time. You may include pictures of the work or details of the work you are discussing. You should use your prior research and include MLA citations.
  7. On 3-5 screens, specifically address the ways in which your work has been influenced by this research. Visual examples with discussion significantly improve these screens and references to those in your Portfolio Reviw are recommended.
  8. On the last slide, create a "Works Cited" page using MLA format.
  9. Rename the Google Slide document to, "HL2ComparativeStudy_<YourName>."


The third and final part of the Final Exam is the "Process Portfolio." This is an opportunity for a student to clearly show their "sustained experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of art-making activities." In other words, this is a chance to show how you made the work you did. You may use 13-25 "screens" to express this activity successfully. Again, construct your screens in much the same way you did for your "Comparative Study," but this time use your own documentation of your process in place of the outside sources you may have used for the previous portion. For this part of the exam you must choose work form at least two of three categories: Two-dimensional forms, Three-dimensional forms, and Lens-based or electronic/screen-based forms. So far you've had assignments in two of these three categories with the exception of "Three-dimensional" forms.

In this part of the exam you are trying to show "sustained experimentation." To address this point, include excerpts from your IWB that state the intentions of a work of art, practice with new media such as sketches or experiments based on those intentions, and your critical assessments (annotations) that may have informed your final piece. Time is a major part of any process as is the original idea or meaning so make sure your IWB entries are dated and legible. You should also include specific discussion around how your research into the work of other artists has informed your work. Who influenced your exploration from the history of art? How did you take ownership of a style or adapt parts of another's work into your own? Remember, this is about your "Process," so specifically address in writing and examples how your skill has been refined through the work that you are doing. What were some early examples of a given skill and how did it change and improve over time?

The IBO is particular about citation so follow through with MLA format and add captions to all of your examples. Site your IWB pages as your own in the caption and on the Works Cited page. Ensure that you have correctly cited any images you may have used from other sources such as pictures printed from the web and added to your IWB, their original source should already be cited but must be included in your Works Cited page as well.

When you have finished, Rename this Google Slide document to, "HL2ProcessPortfolio_<YourName>."