IB Portfolio Addition IWB

(Recommended working time: Two Days)

Armored Peace Dove


British Guerilla Artist

In this assignment students will:

  • Objectively reflect on the process and success of their most recent Portfolio Addition

Investigation Workbooks: (1-2 pgs.)

  • Use the "Project Reflection" worksheet as an outline for completing this addition to your IWB.
  • Create a page or two that thoroughly addresses each section of the Project Reflection: The Description, Analysis, Interpretation, and Judgment.
    • Description- This is the fact based part of the reflection. What is the title? How big is this piece? What does it look like? This should have at least one picture of the finished work and may be written in list form.
    • Analysis- This is a discussion of how a work of art functions. It may be written about what was intended and/or how the principles actually function in your finished work. It should be written in full and complete sentences and refer to specific things or areas shown in the work.
    • Interpretation- This section is about the meaning of the work. It should be written in full and complete sentences but may cite other pages of your IWB that cover a point more thoroughly. Discuss your use of symbols briefly in this section and refer a reader back to your research or thoughts on earlier IWB pages.
    • Judgment. This is the most important part of a reflection. Was this work successful? Be as honest and objective as possible but keep in mind the stage at which your current and previous work exists, it doesn't have to be a Michelangelo to be successful. In full and complete sentences discuss the challenges you faced in this piece. Declare your triumphs or things you are proud of in this section. Discuss what you would have done differently in this section and yes, you can and should cite previous entries in your IWB about certain parts of the process.

Project Reflection: (Worksheet)


  • Create a .PDF in your Turn-In Folder on Google Drive of this/these page(s). Rename the file, "<YourName>_<Title>_ReflectionIWB.PDF."

Assessment: Students may show their work for critique and submit their sketchbooks for evaluation.